GFCI has no influence on backfeeding, except when a ground fault
triggers it and it disconnects.
I agree that L1 power is sufficient for charging EVs most of the time
(I am 99.9% L1 charge user)
My only concern is if the grid support can be delivered through L1,
in other words - can an EV give a meaningful support to the grid if it
is limited to 1.5kW?
The other concern is that most L1 outlets are shared (I mean: more
outlets on the same circuit breaker) whereas a backfeeding generator
preferably is on its own breaker to avoid that you can draw power power
from the *other* outlets than that the breaker is protecting - there is
a small risk of burning up the wires without the breaker triggering if
the backfeeder if giving a steady stream of power (most notably this
occurs with solar, that is why an inverter is typically always on a
separate circuit with no other loads connected to the same circuit).
Since I have no clue about the typical power levels involved with grid
stabilization, I leave my first concern unanswered - hopefully someone
else can contrtribute meaningfully to that one.

Cor van de Water
Chief Scientist
Proxim Wireless Corporation
Email: Private:
Skype: cor_van_de_water Tel: +1 408 383 7626

-----Original Message-----
From: EV [] On Behalf Of Haudy Kazemi
via EV
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2014 10:44 AM
To: Robert E CIV USNA Annapolis Bruninga; Electric Vehicle Discussion
Subject: Re: [EVDL] V2G at L1 is practical

On 06/06/2014 09:41 AM, Robert E CIV USNA Annapolis Bruninga via EV
> Subj was:  RE: [EVDL] EVLN: E-school-buses$aveschooldistrictsmillions
>>> I just think the fluctuation in loads is substantially more
>>> than the number  of vehicles plugged in at any one time.
> Which trigger my 2 cents:
> V2G will never be practical unless vehicles are plugged in all day.
> And if they are pluggedin all day, then they only need 120v L1 15 amp
> service.
> Already, we know that 97% of charging-at-work is satisfied with L1
> So in order for V2G to be able to take advantage of all the
demand-load of
> millions of EV's and/or to also take some charge, the focus has to be
> low-cost L1 approach, not expecting EVERY EV (by the millions) to have
a 50
> amp L2 service and to sit there blocking it all day long.  That is
> unsustainable at the quantities needed.  Millions of L1 outlets is
> and practical.
> But providing at least demand-response at every L1 outlet in a parking
> is as easy as hooking up a water-heater or Airconditioner utility
> and giving the utility immediate control over that load during the
> This is not only dirt cheap, and practical, it eliminates the #1 issue
> V2G (NFMB, Not From MY Battery!).
> Sure it gives up 50% of the promise of V2G (and all its NFMB issues)
but the
> other 50% is the low hanging fruit, that is PRACTICAL at SCALE is
simply L1
> charging-at-work with demand response control of the outlets.
> Bob Bruninga, PE

V2G is a type of backfeeding; 120v L1 outlets protected by GFCIs 
probably won't work very well for this, but dedicated 120v outlets 
exempt from upstream GFCI could.

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