On Aug 6, 2014, at 12:37 AM, Dennis Miles via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:

> With the gearing Ben could avoid the second
> electric motor, and buy more batteries. But it is your decision, Ben.

I do like the idea from a mechanical elegance perspective...but the second 
motor also gives more "oomph" and doesn't cost all that much more than a 
transfer case. Indeed, the twin AC-51s have specs on paper that're naively a 
close match to the stock 260, meaning all-electric mode should be a significant 
upgrade over original...whereas a single motor, especially with limited 
gearing, would likely be perfectly drivable but also sluggish. Plus, with stock 
Harley pulleys, the twin motors will have a 5.7:1 total gear ratio that's 
slightly more optimal than a 6:1 ratio.

...and, with the V8 still up front and the gas tank still in the rear, I'm 
already concerned about where to cram the batteries as it is. 46 CALB 100 Ah 
cells or their equivalent are going to take up a lot of space.

I will write this, though: your suggestion has got me thinking of putting a 
front wheel drive axle (with appropriate reduction gearing) in my '68 VW 
Westfalia and driving it with an electric motor to create a through-the-wheels 
hybrid as a next project after the Mustang. Targeting a similar all-electric 
range and matching the (much) lower power of the aircooled engine would likely 
make for a pretty sweet setup there. Probably simpler and much cheaper, too; 
smaller everything, and no need to interface with the existing drive system. 
Plus, all-wheel-drive could tempt me to get stuck in some truly inaccessible 
spot atop a lonely mountain in the middle of nowhere....


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