Ben Goren wrote:

> > I suspect that it is not just the static load of the belt tension, but
> > the tension added to one side of the belt/chain when the motor is
> > delivering torque.
> That was my initial thought, too...until late yesterday evening when I was
> doing a bunch of research on it. And, if I'm understanding it correctly,
> all that putting a load on the system does is move the direction of the
> force, but not its magnitude -- and for a reason that makes sense: when
> you pull on the one side, you increase tension on that side...but you also
> _decrease_ tension on the opposite side by the same amount. So, instead of
> the (say) ten pounds being applied towards the axle of the opposite
> pulley, the same ten pounds is now applied on a different angle.

I believe you are mistaken.  I think what you need to consider is termed 
"overhung load"; this Gates document gives a good overview:


Near the bottom of this document it mentions belt tension and notes that the 
static tension is really just to counter the centrifugal forces that come into 
play as the belt rotates rapidly and tend to throw it outwards and neutralise 
some of the installation tension that is intended to ensure the belt teeth 
remain in intimate contact with the sprocket.

Page 168 of this document describes the calculation of overhung load, which is 
based on the HP being transmitted, the RPM, and the diameter of the sprocket:


Unfortunately, there are a couple of factors in the calculation that are 
assumed to be provided by the manufacturer of the speed reducer you are using, 
so unless you can get these factors from HPEVs or the manufacturer of the 
AC-51, you'll need to do a bit of research to determine sensible ballpark 
values to use for your situation.



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