Interesting thought. I doubt it since chains have very little resistance. I presume you are thinking along the lines of putting a generator on the crank and then use that to power a motor on the wheel.

What might tip the scale would be to find a way to eliminate the shifting. Instead of a shift lever you have a work-level lever. The more you "shift" the lever, the harder you have to work - but you would go faster.

Secondly, you could theoretically charge a battery when coasting and use that to supplement going uphill.

Again, interesting. I don't know if I'd like it, personally, though because I like the direct feeling of movement and pedaling.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Lawrence Rhodes via EV" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: 27-Aug-14 9:49:55 PM
Subject: [EVDL] Cargo bike with electric chain.

Is the technology available to use electricity to replace bicycle chains or is a bike chain still more efficient? Trying to eliminate long chain runs on cargo bikes. Lawrence Rhodes

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android

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