via EV wrote:
So my basic question is if the cell is already Al to Steel
internally, might it be better to go Al to Steel to Al (that last Al
being my intercell connectors) than to do Al to Steel to Cu (which
would be copper intercell connectors)?

What little I know about metallurgy tells me that attaching steel to aluminum is a bad idea. Maybe it can be done right by experts with special techniques. Others who are knowledgeable about such things may have more data with references.

But it's something that would normally be avoided. Just because the Chinese did it does not make it good practice (they favor cheap, not good). Certainly, for connections outside the cell in the "real world" of water, oxygen, dirt, corrosion, etc. I would definitely avoid it.

If you insist on doing this anyway, then you should plan to measure the actual resistance of each and every connection.
If you would not be forgotten
When your body's dead and rotten
Then write of great deeds worth the reading
Or do these great deeds, worth repeating.
        -- Ben Franklin, from Poor Richard's Almanac
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