Hi All,

Well, I have about 6000 miles on my jeep and my warp 9 motor started making 
some zapping sounds
a little while back.  It's gotten pretty bad now - I can even see sparks when 
under load.

I'm not sure if I ran the motor to harshly or if maybe I got some debris in 
there while off-roading.  I had
started running force air, but the blower was loud I decided to go open air 
(with a splash guard).

I've been wanting to switch to an AC motor (thinking oil cooled hpev ac35x2 
when it comes upout)

While I'm waiting for that, I'm going to try and get the motor fixed and maybe 
find a quieter
blower.  Can anyone point me to good info on how I might repair my motor?  I 
may try a shop like this one:




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