On 10 Oct 2014 at 11:12, Roland via EV wrote:

> These are the batteries from the Hybrid Auto Center that I am going to use. 

Did you mean to include a link in your post?  The word "these" doesn't seem 
to refer to anything.  :-(

>  four cells each connected two in series and then two in parallel for
> a voltage of 4.2 volts per cell or 8.4 volts maximum per modules at 66
> a/h each ... Each module weighs just over 8 lbs. 

I assume that by a/h you mean amp-hours, or AH.  (A/H would be amperes per 
hour, a meaningless unit.)

If so, that would be 554Wh per module.  Eight lbs is 3.6kg, for a specific 
energy of 154 wh/kg.  Pretty impressive!

> NO, These are not Chinese batteries that some are having problems with.
>  Made by the Toyota Company which I think that had the license right
> from GM back in 1993 when they held the patent on them.  The patent
> ran out in 2013 which Toyota is now producing kits to change there
> hybrids to EV. 

Now it sounds like you're talking about NiMH batteries.  But the specific 
energy above (154 wh/kg)  is more than double that which is normally 
available from NiMH (70 wh/kg).

Also, unless I missed something, NiMH cells are around 1.2 volts nominal, 
and most lithium chemistries are around 3.2 to 3.5 volts per cell.  The 
voltage you state above doesn't match any of those.  Perhaps you could 
explain more clearly what batteries plan to use.  

Thanks, looking forward to hearing more.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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