Green Halloween Costume Contest for a Chance to Win ...
A Halloween Treat for Tesla Motors Inc. and Electric Vehicle Proponents
By Beth McKenna | October 31, 2014

Perhaps, like me, you feel as if you're Bill Murray in the movie Groundhog
Day every time you read an article bashing electric vehicles, especially
Tesla Motors. Just as Murray's character woke up to the same day again and
again no matter what he did, you see the same comments again and again no
matter what the content of the article. Doesn't it seem as if one master
template is floating around for the EV and Tesla Haters to use? You've
probably seen it so many times you could repeat it in your sleep -- you
know, as your EV (if you have one) was conveniently charging away.

I'm not talking about those who simply hold different views that they
express civilly -- even vigorously -- such as believing fuel-cell vehicles
will (or should) rule the future roads for whatever reason, or that Tesla's
stock is too richly valued, for instance. There are certainly convincing
arguments for both of  those takes. No, I'm talking about Haters. 

Some of you have your Bill Murray costumes, so you're set to go today! In
the spirit of the holiday, join me as we help those who are considering
being an "EV Hater" this Halloween with their lines and costumes.

[image] Red Model S donning its white Halloween costume. Source: Tesla

Line: "Why would those 'green folks' buy a Tesla Model S when they can buy a

Costume suggestion: How-others-spend-their-money cop

This line is best pulled off by dipping into your Halloween goodies and
gobbling up something sour before uttering "green folks." 

Start out this thread by throwing in red-herring comments about politics, Al
Gore, and taxpayer dollars. Don't concern yourself with facts, as they
should never get in the way of a good story! No, it doesn't matter that it's
common for new technology to receive government funding. That Tesla returned
its government money is also irrelevant. 

Ditch your money-cop costume for a moment and don a yogi master get-up as
you repeat your mantra to yourself until you believe it: "Green folks are
the only ones who would want a Tesla or another EV, and all car buyers make
the choice of which car to buy based solely upon economics."

Of course, the non-Haters among you know that this "logic" is flawed.
However, even if it weren't, doesn't it seem fair that until folks of all
stripes need to explain or justify their consumer preferences, the "green
folks" should enjoy the same rights?

Line: "Tesla Model S's limited range is a problem."

Costume suggestion: Long-distance trucker

This costume will help you sound more convincing when you say this line as
if 50% of the American public are employed as truckers or traveling
salespeople regularly driving over several hundred miles per day.

The P85 Model S has a 265-mile range. Let's lop off 15% during poor driving
conditions. That's 225 miles.

Americans who drive passenger vehicles drive an average of 13,500 miles per
year, according to the Federal Highway Administration. That equates to 260
miles per week. We're talking one or two charges per week, which, for many
people, can conveniently be done overnight.

As for those occasional extended drives, you may be Super Bladder Man/Woman
or Super-Steady Blood Sugar Man/Woman (yes, these are other costume
possibilities, though you might scare kids), but many people stop after a
few hours on the road to eat, stretch, and/or answer the call of nature.
That's especially true of those with kids. A 20-minute break allows a Model
S to get enough juice at a Supercharger station for about 130 miles, while a
30-minute pit stop will provide power for roughly 170 miles. Granted, these
sites aren't conveniently located everywhere yet. So it should go without
saying that a Tesla EV, or any EV, isn't currently a good fit for some

As for Supercharger stations, Tesla is aggressively expanding its charging
network. By 2015, 98% of the U.S. population (and parts of Canada) will live
within the Model S rated range of a station, according to the company.
Granted, even when this coverage plan is achieved, a Tesla EV (or any other
EV) still won't be a good fit for some people. But this is true of every
auto or consumer product. 

Line: "The charging network doesn't compare to the fueling network for
vehicles with internal combustion engines."

Costume suggestion for those on the listening/reading end: The figure in
Edvard Munch's famous painting The Scream

[image] The Scream. Source: Wikipedia.

OK, so no costume suggestion comes to mind to pair with this line. However,
this oft-repeated line likely makes even the coolest folks on the listening
or reading end want to don a costume based on the figure in Edvard Munch's
The Scream.

    Most people who buy EVs can charge them at their homes.

    Everywhere there is an electrical outlet is a possible "fueling"

    Therefore it's not relevant that there are fewer public charging
stations than there are gas stations. This is especially true with
long-range EVs, such as the Model S.

Line: "You think all that electricity generation is 'clean'?!"

Costume suggestion: Scarecrow from The Wizard of Oz

Remember to say this line in the most shaming voice you can muster. The goal
is to throw off your prey so that they feel so bad that they don't realize
that you're using a straw man tactic. Take lessons from politicians, as
they're masters at this.

Tip: Don't use this line if there are guests at the Halloween party who are
from certain countries. If you do, even the straw man argument that you set
up might not hold up, because electricity generation is generally considered
cleaner -- or at least "less dirty" -- in certain countries than it is in
the U.S. For instance, Norway and Canada generate a large chunk of their
electricity from hydropower.

$19 trillion industry could destroy the internet
One bleeding-edge technology is about to put the World-Wide-Web to bed. It
could make early investors wildly rich. Experts are calling it the single
largest business opportunity in the history of capitalism... The Economist
is calling it "transformative"... But you’ll probably just call it "how I
made my millions." Don't be too late to the party— click here for 1 stock to
own when the web goes dark.

Beth McKenna has no position in any stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool
recommends and owns shares of Tesla Motors.
[© 2014 The Motley Fool]
Inhabitat recently launched its annual Halloween costume contest -- this
year's grand prize is a Vanmoof B6 Bike worth $848 
Enter Inhabitat's Green Halloween Costume Contest for a Chance to Win a $848
Vanmoof B6 Bike!
by Inhabitat, 10/31/14

 ... Town Cancels Halloween Because of Polar Bears
RUSH [Limbaugh]: Do you know that a Canadian town -- this is not one of the
two things I planned.  It just happens to be the next thing in order because
it's Canada. 

They celebrate Halloween in Canada.  You may not know that, but they do. 
And there's a town in Canada that is canceling trick-or-treating this year. 
You know why?  Fear of polar bear attacks. 

Now, I am admittedly a little confused here because I thought the polar
bears were dying because of global warming.  I thought we were killing the
polar bears.  Algore's movie, Earth in the Lurch, says so.  Algore and all
the environmentalist wackos.  Yes, I love pounding 'em.  I love pointing out
their errors, their mistakes, their lies, and their hypocrisy.  There isn't
a polar bear shortage.  We have an abundance of polar bears and a town in
Canada has had to cancel Halloween trick-or-treating because they're afraid
of the polar bears are gonna attack the kids. 

Do you realize what shocking news that's gotta be to the kids?  The kids
would probably think that a polar bear would be a great pet based on TV
commercials they see, based on global warming news they see.  Wasn't it an
American automobile manufacturer that did a commercial with a polar bear
following some guy driving an electric vehicle, a Nissan.  The Nissan Leaf,
that's right, a polar bear followed this driver of a Nissan Leaf all over
town to give him a hug for driving a Nissan Leaf and saving the polar bear
population.  We find out little kids in the small hamlet of Arviat in Canada
are not going to be able to trick-or-treat ...
[© :duh: ]

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