On 19 Nov 2014 at 13:08, Cor van de Water via EV wrote:

> probably eventually, a lot of curbside charging for
> those who can't park on premises for whatever reason.

The US tends to be more focused on suburbia, so we often forget about the 
Europeans who live in city houses and apartments and park their cars on the 
public streets.  They have no garages or even dedicated private parking 
spaces, so they have no places to fit privately owned chargers.  

This is also true in some US cities, but I think fewer than in Europe.

Having no way to charge at home means you have to use paid charging 
stations. It's just like fueling an ICEV, but it takes longer and you have 
to do it more often.  This HAS to be a drag on EV adoption, no?

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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