It just boggles my mind how these comments can be made while Knowing nothing 
about the engineering that has gone into these cars to make them able to tow. 
What gives any indication that they can't tow as well as any other car or for 
that matter that they will over heat? They don't have adequate cooling? I 
suggest that people that make accusations back them up with facts. Geese.

Mark Grasser

>>It is likely the Tesla cars can pull it just fine, but will probably overheat 
>>towing,  especially on hills.  Towing packages for trucks have all manner of 
>>extra cooling gear, for transmission, oil coolers, oversize radiators, and 
>>>>so on.  It is a simple application that is difficult in practice.

>> > In any case, don’t get your hopes up too high on a truly versatile 
>> > towing capacity because electric power isn’t similar to a 
>> > traditional engine’s twist.

For EV drag racing discussion, please use NEDRA 

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