Jay, is the inlet lighted?
Could it be ground returns for LED's?


On 11/12/2015 9:34 PM, Jay Summet via EV wrote:
I've taken the J1772 inlet & cable from my salvaged (2013) Nissan Leaf and am planning on connecting it up to the new charger for my S-10 pickup truck conversion.

It has the standard 5 pins (Hot/Hot/Ground/Proximity/Pilot). The two hots connect to two large orange wires. The Proximity/Pilot connect to two small wires that come out of the harness close to the inlet.

However, there are THREE green wires that emerge from the back end of the harness. One large, which is connected to the ground pin on the J1772 inlet, and two other smaller green wires that are connected to the large green wire via a shared ring terminal. I don't know what these two small green wires go to, but it's not any of the pins on the J1772 inlet!

When I disconnected them from the ring terminal, they do not have connectivity to any of the other wires, or to any of the pins on the inlet. As far as I can tell, they just go into the harness heading towards the inlet and disappear!

The only thing I can think of is that they are routed near to the HOT wires in such a way that if the hot wires are compromised they may short out to ground?

Has anybody got a definitive answer to what these two guys are for?
I can post photos of them if you want to see, but I figure that anybody who already knows the answer won't need the photos....

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