I recall from a conversation with a Nissan engineer in 2011, he told me
that the BMS on board the Leaf was designed to limit both the charging and
the discharging in order to protect the integrity of the battery pack. This
was in response to my question regarding the 80% instruction  in the
owner's manual.
In other words, his instruction to me was to go ahead and charge to the
100%, according to the instrumentation of the vehicle, as this was not the
actual 100% state of charge, but rather a buffered level.
The same goes for when the car goes into "turtle mode". If you insist on
running until the turtle dies, the battery still has enough of a reserve to
accept a charge.


On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 5:01 PM, Lawrence Rhodes via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>

> I noticed Lee Hart saying he doesn't charge to 100%.  Why.  Nissan in
> their wisdom doesn't allow us to charge to 100%.  So if you don't you are
> more like at 70%.  I now have Leaf Spy and even on slow level two charge
> can't get more than 97.3%.  A fast charge in 45 minutes might get as high
> as 93%.  It seems you can't get 100% charge in any case.  So I top off
> without worry. I try to avoid low charge as much as possible.    Lawrence
> Rhodes
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Remember, it is not that the glass is half empty, in reality, the glass is
merely twice the size that it needs to be! -TNT'82
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