I'm advising a group competing in the Shell Ecomarathon competition
.  We previously powered our vehicle with a 36V, brushless DC hub motor
designed for bicycles.  The problem is Shell requires a motor controller
custom designed and built by the students (even though you can buy these
controller off the shelf for like $20).  Because we're mainly a bunch of
mechanical engineers, our attempts at designing and building that brushless
controller have been.less than successful.


For this year, we want to use a 36V "brushed" dc motor to make this custom
controller much easier.  Ideally, a 36V brushed hub motor in the 500W-1,000W
power range would be best as it would be nearly a drop in mechanical
replacement.  Problem is, we can't find such a motor.  Does anyone have any
suggestions of commercial motors that might fit that need?  If not, we'll be
switching to a brushed motor and a chain/sprocket drive.





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