I agree with you on this...to a point.
For small scale and short time periods, batteries are great. For grid scale 
over long periods of time... not so much.

- Mark Abramowitz (speaking for myself)
President, Community Environmental Services

Senior Advisor and Immediate Past Chairman, California Hydrogen Business Council

Board Consultant to Dr. Joseph K. Lyou, Governor's Appointee to the South Coast 
Air Quality Management District Governing Board

Sent from AltaMail

 From: Peri Hartman via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org> To: "David Nelson" 
<gizm...@gmail.com>, brucedp5 <bruce...@operamail.com>,       "Electric Vehicle 
Discussion List" <ev@lists.evdl.org> Subject: Re: [EVDL] Old packs as 
powerwalls @L3 EVSE sites to help smooth out the grid, +more Date: 5/29/16, 
12:52 PM

I definitely would like to see incentives for installing "depleted"  
batteries as solar and wind backup. 
We're at a point in time where we can promote both wind and solar while  
winding down coal and gas power generation.  Clearly, before we can  
retire all mined-resource power generation (primarily coal, gas,  
nuclear), we need ways to store power for times when wind and solar  
don't generate enough. 
Soon, we will begin to see a flood of depleted batteries from EVs.  With  
incentives, the price offered for these used batteries would be higher,  
helping to lift the value of used EVs and increasing the demand for new  
EVs while at the same time helping to build our wind and solar  
In other words, right now, the need for utility level battery storage is  
low.  But, gradually, as we retire coal & other plants, we can be  
building utility battery storage and boosting EV production and sales. 
The sooner, the better, in my opinion. 
------ Original Message ------ 
From: "David Nelson via EV" <ev@lists.evdl.org> 
To: "brucedp5" <bruce...@operamail.com>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion  
List" <ev@lists.evdl.org> 
Sent: 29-May-16 12:43:01 PM 
Subject: Re: [EVDL] Old packs as powerwalls @L3 EVSE sites to help  
smooth out the grid, +more 
>On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 1:46 AM, brucedp5 via EV <ev@lists.evdl.org>  
>>  Why aren't they installing these power-walls at well used L3 EVSE  
>>  Is there a major utility complaint that highly used L3 EVSE puts a  
>>  demand on the grid? 
>>  That the EV's power demand during peak HVAC power periods are counter 
>>  productive? 
>>  I think that a prime candidate is this L3 station at Arlington City  
>OR (http://api.plugshare.com/view/location/47270). It is in a "desert"  
>charging stations along I-84 and looking at the comments it is the  
>company that is charging too much. Too bad the owner just doesn't put  
>cost to charge to what it would cost for the power, at least initially. 
>Even a battery unit that didn't have enough to fully charge a car could  
>used in combination with the grid where the grid is used to just below  
>demand charge threshold and the battery supplying the rest. When the  
>stops charging the battery unit would charge back up in anticipation of  
>next vehicle. 
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