I just purchased one of these 
 to run ZillaView http://www.evgear.com.au/zillaview.html  and it works great.

If you  have a Zilla controller, it makes for a great $80 meter that shows lots 
of interesting real time information in a very readable format.

You can also download a copy of Putty http://www.putty.org/ or use another 
serial communication program to access the Zillas native interface.

There are a couple of quirks that  are worth mentioning.  There is only a 
single micro usb port, which also acts as the charging port.  This is not an 
issue in my case as the "up to 6 hours of battery life" is plenty for my needs. 
 You will need an USB to serial adapter which I already have 
https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=3726.  Also, I am not able to get 
ZillaView to recognize input from the Windows 10 onscreen keyboard, but again I 
already have a bluetooth keyboard 
 so that was not an issue for me.

Overall I think this is a great device.  It is nice to be able to try different 
speeds in different gears and compare motor amps/volts to battery amps/volts, 
and also see the RPM of my motor.  I already have an Evision meter in my truck 
which shows me all the battery side information, but when I compare the ~$700 I 
paid for that, this solution seems like even more of a bargain.


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