On 22 Oct 2017 at 21:02, davinder via EV wrote:

> I am puzzling over how regeneration in ev charges the main battery.
> Plug in charging takes 8-10 hour charging to top up the battery - so
> when the vehicle is rolling down hill oe deaccelerating the 'charge
> energy' is avalable for seconds or minutes. 

Regenerative braking doesn't fully charge the EV's battery.  It would be 
great if it could -- drive for free! -- but it can't.  You'll never recover 
100% of the energy you used to put the vehicle in motion.  That's physics 
for you.  

IIRC when you add regenerative braking, the typical increase in range (and 
hence energy recovery) is around 20%.  I've read that in hilly regions you 
can get to 35%.  

To see this taken to an extreme, look here:


Over 20 years ago, Axel Krause of Brusa designed a light EV with efficient 
components and aggressive use of regen.  He drove it over the Apls, and 
thanks to the regen, got essentially the same range he would have had if 
he'd driven on flat ground!

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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