A local Toyota TV ad was pushing Prius Prime (which is not an EV).
Yet, it prominently had a white CA hov (car pool lane) sticker shown on the
upper right of the TV screen ad (as if the Prius Prime was an EV, which it
isn't, its a hybrid which can only have a green CA hov sticker).

You can see the white sticker 7 seconds into their video:

Wouldn't It Be Nice - Prius Prime - 0:17
4 hours ago - Uploaded by Scott Skougard ...

For those that can't load the video, see the white hov sticker shown in the
thumbnail image on:


Here are images of the correct sticker a prius prime should display:




Clearly, Toyota TV ad is lying, ... again.
Not a big lie perhaps, but it gives you that bad taste of how
sneaky-deceptive automakers are.


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