I've noticed that if I leave my Volt plugged in and the outdoor temperature 
gets very high or very low the Volt will occasionally draw power for 10-15 
minutes.  I assume this is the thermal management system working to keep the 
batteries at their "optimal" temperature.
What I'm wondering is how important is this (if any) to extending the life span 
of the batteries?
I'm guessing that when it's cold out, keeping the batteries warm just improves 
performance and that it won't hurt the batteries to spend a few hours at 20 deg 
However, what happens when it's 90 deg out?
The reason I'm asking is if it's not critical when the car is parked, I'd like 
to avoid wasting 1-3 kwh a day.  I can always re-enable the EVSE before driving 
the car so the batteries will be at their designed temperature when being 
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