Matt Awesome wrote:

> Wait, I had this backwards. I thought we *were* discussing the EV-1
> vehicle, not the forklift controller.

Nope; it is confusing at first glance, but the EV-1 *car* was a Chevy, while 
the EV-1 *controller* is a GE product ;^>

> If we're talking about the forklift controller I can help! I stripped
> mine down to the bare minimum required to make it run.
> Here is a link to an album, where you should be able to click on
> individual high-res pictures:

The GE EV-1 SCR controller is quite similar to yours, but the SCR controller in 
your pictures is *not* and EV-1 (and possibly not a GE product ;^).  The 
drawings appear to identify it as a "STD. K70C M500 SCR", but Google isn't any 
help figuring out if this is an earlier GE model or not.

The person seeking help has a bit different situation than you or I (I also 
have an EV with a GE EV-1 controller in it), since he is electrically reversing 
the motor and so cannot simply eliminate the directional switch(es) and 
contactors like we did.



> Basically you can ignore almost everything and just gut it right down
> to its essentials to get the motor to run.
> After cutting out all excess stuff out, you're left with some pretty
> minimal connections to make:
> - The motor connects to positive.
> - One motor field connects to one motor armature, doens't matter which
> for testing, it just sets direction.
> - The motor connects to the speed controller.
> - The speed controller connects to negative.
> - The foot pedal potentiometer connects to the controller (pin 29?)
> - The foot pedal "power on" switch connects to a contactor, or a dummy
> load to fool it to thinking there's a contactor there. (pin 41,
> through dummy load to positive?)
> I think that's all, there might be a wire or two I'm missing but, there
> you go.
> Does that help? I don't have it in front of me and I'm quite rusty
> since it was a year ago that I figured this out, got it working, and
> then abandoned it for another controller... but I'm pretty sure I
> could walk you through it if need be.
> _______________________________________________
> Please discuss EV drag racing at NEDRA
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