On 7 Oct 2018 at 14:01, George E Swartz via EV wrote:

> I am curious, what are the main reasons you would not buy a Tesla.

Well, one reason is something that a lot of Tesla owners seem to like.  The 
car's too connected for my taste.  It creeps me out every time I read of a 
Tesla wreck and some Tesla employee tells the news reporter the next day 
that the driver had autopilot on, or had his hands off the wheel, or 

Privacy is already hard enough to maintain these days.  I don't really want 
Elon Musk or one of his minions as my copilot.  (I wouldn't buy an "On Star" 
car, either.)

Another is that Tesla is a corporate control freak.  You don't own their 
cars, you pay for the right to use them unless or until they decide to 
disable or hobble them.

See our recent discussion: 


Or read Otmar Ebenhoech thinks of Tesla's owner support policies.


Finally, I'm also pretty annoyed that they supposedly introduced an 
"affordable" EV, but they still refuse to sell it without a bunch of ups and 
extras that make it UNaffordable.  Screw that.

And then there's Musk himself.  Need I say more?

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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