On Tuesday, October 16, 2018, 5:04:39 PM EDT, EVDL Administrator via EV 
<ev@lists.evdl.org> wrote:
 If you know what you are talking about, then tell me, how many years has Tesla 
been selling vehicles. 10 years? 7 years? 5 years?If you look at the game plan, 
it's to sell, not low end vehicles, llike the CitiCars of old by Bob Beaumont, 
not the ElCars, 36v lead sledsIt was to start with high end roadstersthen 
follow with high end Model S that competes with high end luxury vehiclesthen 
follow with the high end Model X that competes with high end SUV'sthen follow 
with high end and mid Model 3, financed by the monies from the Roadsters, Model 
S and Model X
You are complaining the Tesla model 3 is not cheap enough for you, be 
patientThe Model 3 started selling in July, 2017, 15 months ago. a total of 
-->30<--, and 1,172 for all of 2017The model 3 has now sold over 78,000 as of 
end of September, just in 2018, large battery packs all, for people who have 
the moneythose people are financing _your_ model 3 if you get one., or notThere 
will become used ones eventually for you and I in a few years.I myself cannot 
afford a new one yet,either, fixed retiree income and all.
Tesla is enabling you to get less expensive, much lighter batteries and battery 
packs for your EV'sthey have used over 2,000,000,000 (2 Billion) 18650's and 
in 2018 they used 86% of all Li batteries for EV's so far9,600,000 of the 
11,000,000 kilowatt hours in pure EV's (excluding China)
the vehicles will go 200- 300 miles.
I fail to understand your dislike of Tesla as they are making EV's mainstream 
faster by 10 -20 years then otherwise would be
The Model 3 is only 15 months old in terms of being sold. Cheaper ones take 
longer as the expensive ones subsidize the cheaper ones

 On 16 Oct 2018 at 19:57, robert winfield via EV wrote:

> Maybe you forget how few years Tesla has been selling EV'sMaybe you don't know
> what you are talking about when you declare "they failed"

No, I don't forget.  Yes, I do know what I'm talking about.

Tesla has done lots of good things.  They went where few automakers refused 
to go, showing them the way.  They built cars that in many ways are some of 
the best around, regardless of energy source.  For that, I admire them.  
Don't misunderstand me on that.

But when they set out to build a car that people of modest means (like me) 
could afford, I'm sorry, they failed.  

Maybe to all of you, $46k is chump change.  I'm glad for you.  But for 
millions of people worldwide, that's a lot of money.  The low income sector  
is the fastest growing class worldwide, and for SURE it is here in the 

When a person is bringing in $25k or $30k or $35k a year and trying to 
support a family, and I personally know people in that situation, do you 
really want to encourage him to buy a $46k car that he can't afford?

And don't give me that nose-in-the-air rubbish about how they chose their 
lot.  Sometimes you do everything right and you still get what life hands 

I gave you an example of what I consider an affordable car.  You dismissed 
it and said it wasn't comparable.  That's not the point. If you can't afford 
the more expensive car, it doesn't matter how good it is.  You're buying the 
cheaper one.  

The good news is that you're not totally shut out of the EV world.  Used 
Nissan Leaves and a few other models are now available in the US for 
reasonably affordable prices.  I don't know about other countries though, 
nor do I know how long the present glut of cheap Leaves will last.

I haven't driven a Model 3, probably never will, but I'm sure it's a great 
car.  Maybe it really is comparable to an BMW or Mercedes.  

But blast it, THAT'S NOT WHAT TESLA PROMISED FOR THE MODEL 3.  They promised 
an affordable EV.  Most of us assumed they meant something more or less 
comparable to a mid-range Toyota.  But that's not what Tesla delivered.  
Instead, they gave us a somewhat cut down Model S that doesn't get to use 
Superchargers for free.  

Some of us are not impressed.

In many other efforts, Tesla succeeded, but not in that one.  Maybe someday 
they will.  I hope so.

And that's all I have to say on this subject.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA
EVDL Administrator

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