Mark, thanks for the reference. I just read the article
it's easy to read and not very long. (You also have to wonder why a "research" article is available at no charge.)

The article is purely speculative with not a single backed-up fact. This is fine, but it needs to be taken for what it is.

Actually, it is nearly devoid of facts regarding BEV and FCEV efficiency and completely devoid of any information on production of hydrogen from non fossil fuel sources. The majority of statements with numbers also contains words like "could", "might", "possibly".

The closest statements I found to presenting efficiency facts are:

Battery electric vehicles exhibit higher overall fuel efficiency as long as they are not too heavy due to large battery sizes
Based on their entire life cycles, FCEVs achieve very low CO2 emissions, in part because they don’t require large batteries whose production is energy and resource intensive.
Currently, each ton of CO2 saved through FCEVs is estimated to cost more than $1,500...

I think it's safe to say that, so far, we do not have any evidence that technology will exist for efficiently producing hydrogen from non fossil fuel sources.


------ Original Message ------
From: "Mark Abramowitz" <>
To: "Peri Hartman" <>; "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>
Sent: 27-Dec-18 1:34:09 PM
Subject: Re: [EVDL] fear of hydrogen infrastructure


“Hydrogen: The next wave for electric vehicles?”

By Bernd Heid, Martin Linder, Anna Orthofer, Marcus Wilthaner

I already posted the date.

I haven’t read the article yet, so you’ll have to read it yourself or wait 
until I have a chance.

As far as the 2011 study, I only have a presentation from a DOE HTAC meeting by 
Sandy Thomas, given in February, 2011.

- Mark

Sent from my Fuel Cell powered iPhone

 On Dec 27, 2018, at 1:02 PM, Peri Hartman via EV <> wrote:

 Mark, can you post the title, author(s), pub date, and include the summary and 
snips of any relevant findings that address your claim? That would help.


 ------ Original Message ------
 From: "Mark Abramowitz via EV" <>
 To: "Electric Vehicle Discussion List" <>
 Cc: "Mark Abramowitz" <>
 Sent: 27-Dec-18 10:51:45 AM
 Subject: Re: [EVDL] fear of hydrogen infrastructure

 Hi Willie,

 Apparently there was a study in 2011 and another in 2017 by McKinsey & Co.

 The 2017 study was the subject of an article in November, 2017 in the 
publication “Automotive and Assembly”. I was just sent a copy of it, but am not 
sure that attachments can be posted to this list.

 I was also sent a presentation to the DOE on the 2011 McKinsey study.

 I’ve not read either one yet.

 Hope this helps.

 - Mark

 Sent from my Fuel Cell powered iPhone

 On Dec 26, 2018, at 5:15 PM, Willie via EV <> wrote:

 On 12/26/18 7:02 PM, Mark Abramowitz via EV wrote:
 Certainly good points about infrastructure. But when you look at costs at 
scale, I understand a recent study showed hydrogen to be cheaper, by 3 to 1.

 That astonishing claim DEMANDS a citation.

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