I understand with a BMS that as per
> cell voltage is reached shunts/resisters are used, what happens when the
> pack is fully charged without a smart signal to the charger?  Do the
> shunts just continue to work absorbing charge/ generating heat?

My charger is set to be the right voltage but the old cells being 22 in
series string they need to equalized out at the top/end of the charge.
this requires some battery baby sitting,

if your cells are staying very well balanced then your voltage cut off
method/gadjet  may  be good .

your ebay gadget coud also be be good for those wanting to do a lower
state of  charge, like turn the voltage down   5 volts for a 10% lower top

I have 2 ev scooters with  22 and 24 lfp cells.

wheres the voltage cut off gagaet on ebay??

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