> It takes 1 BTU to raise one pound one degree.

The engineer in me won't allow this to pass unchallenged, although in the context of this discussion, it probably doesn't matter.

It takes 1 BTU to raise one pound OF WATER one degree. You have to consider the latent heat of whatever the object you are heating or cooling and it's material to come to an accurate value of the energy needed vs. temperature change.

The designers of my SCT Rabbit were ahead of the curve on passenger comfort in winter. The car had installed at the time of conversion, an Espar gasoline heater, basically a miniature furnace the size of a loaf of bread. The previous owner was running it on white gas (naptha), which made it a little less obnoxiously smelly, but much more expensive to operate.

I converted it to run on LPG, which it does very well. Never saw any reason to mess around with ceramic heaters, 12 volt hair dryers, etc. Go with what works.

There's no reason that that transit buses couldn't use liquid fuel furnaces for cabin heat. It they chose diesel (fuel oil) furnaces, the bus terminal would already have the fueling facilities in place. A coolant loop into the battery compartment would be a simple extension from there. I think that the APU's that long-haul truckers use to provide electricity and heat overnight also have this as standard equipment for keeping the engine on the rig warm while it's stopped.

What? You believe it's sacrilege to use petroleum fuel in an EV? Get over it, without petroleum, EV's wouldn't exist. They depend on resource extraction, manufacturing, lubricants, hydraulic fluids and tires (mostly oil). Even a bicycle, or the shoes you are wearing needed fossil fuels at some point.

Kick the idea up a notch and use biodiesel or (gasp) hydrogen, lower fossil fuel footprint, but bigger outlay for the fueling infrastructure at the bus terminal.

1 Cup (Before Bed) Burns Belly Fat Like Crazy!
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