
This is Alice Narduzzo, I work for an Italian company named Redomino. A
few months ago we had the chance to work with a customer that needed a
video training about Plone features, and we decided to complete the work
and release it under Creative Common licence, to offer a furhter and free
support to the Italian Plone Community. The result is a complete online
training composed of 33 videos (in Italian) that illustrate in a clear way
Plone features and how to manage a Plone web site.

To view the video manual you can go to 
http://it.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=9A869643F17D4C11 or

Another important issue I would like to discuss with you is the
possibility to realize an English version of the video manual, we would
like to realize the project in collaboration with the Plone Foundation. So
we are looking for people interested in working with us on this new

Thank you,


Alice Narduzzo                    alice.narduzzo<at>redomino.com
Redomino S.r.l.           Largo Valgioie 14 - 10146 Torino - Italy
Tel: +390117499875 - Fax: +390113716911   http://www.redomino.com

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