On Wed, 2010-04-21 at 20:25 -0800, ctxlken wrote:
> Hi Tim,
> I'm in. Do I have to choose which publisher right now? I haven't  
> reviewed who has which books I'd like to check out next. Please let me  
> know the process and thanks for putting this on!

You get 3x O'Reilly books straight away, I'll send you the details via
private mail and you get 1x the PacktPub books - that's me as giveaway
coordinator making an arbitrary decision. We'll progress through the
PacktPub ones first. I'll send you details about that in due course too.
Essentially the recipients will get the giveaways post event.

> Ken Wasetis
> Contextual Corp.
> (Chicago event)
> On Apr 21, 2010, at 9:49 PM, "Tim Knapp [via Plone]" 
> <ml-node+4940525-818764723-197...@n2.nabble.com 
>  > wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Just to reiterate an earlier email I sent to the mailing list that the
> > first 24 registered WPD events on plone.org get 3x giveaway eBooks
> > courtesy of O'Reilly. The first 24 registered (Plone can't lie ;)  
> > were:
> > La Plata, Argentina
> > Milan, Italy
> > Naples, Italy
> > Macerata, Italy
> > Turin, Italy
> > Leipzig, Germany
> > Wellington, New Zealand
> > Pau France
> > Munich, Germany
> > Berlin, Germany
> > Ferrara, Italy
> > Houston, Texas
> > Malmö, Sweden - World Plone Day
> > Chicago, Illinois (USA)
> > Taipei, Taiwan
> > Boston, Massachusets
> > São Paulo, Brazil
> > Bonn, Germany
> > Toronto, Ontario, Canada
> > Ulm, Germany
> > Tokyo, Japan
> > Los Angeles, California (USA)
> > Rome, Italy
> > Ticino World Plone Day
> >
> > Congrats! If the hosts of these events haven't contacted me already  
> > re.
> > how to go about getting these eBooks, please get in touch.
> >
> > We've also got 4x PacktPub books as well as 9x Apress books to  
> > giveaway.
> > I'll give these away to the first 13 respondents to this email.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Tim
> >
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> > View message @ 
> > http://plone.293351.n2.nabble.com/Giveaways-for-upcoming-World-Plone-Day-2010-tp4940525p4940525.html
> > To start a new topic under Evangelism, email 
> > ml-node+293364-1526811418-197...@n2.nabble.com
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