
with a big thank you to SUSE and the openSUSE maintenance team we just
finished the preparations to open up maintenance for Evergreen to take
over maintenance for 13.1.

I've updated

- with information "how to activate" - easy since not required anymore
- what to do to prepare patches

Important to know and since this is new for Evergreen. If you create a
branch at this moment for a certain package you will get the 11.4 and
13.1 sources branched (if applicable).
There is obviously no obligation to work on 11.4 but I didn't want to
take it out of the project to still be able to provide certain chosen
patches. I'm not yet entirely sure if it's enough to remove the 11.4
sources on commit or how the patch sources need to be updated when only
a 13.1 update is provided. I'll see that pretty soon now.

Having said all this, Evergreen 13.1 is now basically open for submissions!

I know some people have asked to get some kind of information or
workshop to see if they are able to contribute. I keep that in mind but
at this moment I have no idea how exactly this could be done and when
and who is able to help with that.

Also there are a few patches in the queue which are still managed by
official maintenance team. Once they are done I expect Marcus or someone
else send the announcement in the change of the maintenance model to all
relevant openSUSE channels.
That is why I don't do this right now because the above informations are
more relevant to contributors and not regular users.

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