Am 20.01.2016 um 18:24 schrieb Christian:
> Am 18.01.2016 um 12:54 schrieb Adrian Schröter:
>> On Monday 18 January 2016, 12:06:16 wrote Wolfgang Rosenauer:
>>> Hi,
>>> just sent this as an answer to a similar question to opensuse@:
>>> "
>>> something in the OBS project is broken. It looks like an internal issue
>>> to me. At least I have no idea how this could have happened.
>>> Note the "the repository setup is broken". I think someone on OBS side
>>> is hopefully looking into it already.
>>> "
>> problem should be fixed now.
>> I have added also some code that the webui will show the real error in 
>> future.
> ... but build is still disabled :(
> and 'Repositories' is showing that 'build' is 'enabled'.
> hmmmm ... why is it not building ? strange ...

Aeh, everything should be fixed. That the build is disabled is normal in
the update target.
I've updated all my remaining 11.4 installations correctly meanwhile.


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