Is it possible to determine what kind of universe we are in if the 
Everything contains no information of any sort?

I believe it is re its complexity and perhaps some of its true noise budget.

1) Its complexity:

We observe that very large disruptive events are not common compared to 
somewhat smaller events.  Generally the role off is some power law of the 
event size with an exponent of about -1.  If we equate event size with the 
size of the information shift in the particular universe then large 
information shifts are uncommon in our universe.  I propose that this 
reflects the mechanism that as the next state of the universe is being 
determined the smallest event available that satisfies the laws of physics 
is indeed the one selected.  Valid and available events of moderate size 
can not be skipped over in favor of larger sized events.

We should also observe that very small events on the order of one bit of 
information shift are uncommon with respect to slightly larger 
events.  This is because even very simple laws of physics would be hard 
pressed to allow an extremely high number of one bit solutions to the 
question of what is the next state of the universe.

Thus as we go down is event size the power law should eventually shift to 
one with a positive exponent.

The result is that there is a most numerous event size.  I propose that the 
size of this most numerous information shift is a reflection of the 
complexity of the particular laws of physics of a particular universe.

 From the data I have seen we live in a currently not too complex 
universe.  I have argued before that this complexity should increase at 
different rates depending on the age of a universe.  This can be seen as 
early high expansion rates [inflation?] followed by a rapid expansion rate 
decline and then a slow reacceleration.

2) Its true noise budget:

I happen to believe that SAS require some true noise influx into the 
universe.  I have argued  the possible presence of true noise from the 
perspective of Chaitin's and Godel's incompleteness and an added just plain 
accidental "do not care" component in the rules of pattern succession a 
particular universe.  But is such noise necessary to any SAS.  If we 
consider ourselves to be SAS do we allow that any SAS - to be a SAS - must 
be able to run any possible experiment we can?

If we do then the idea that we may not be able to determine if the 
duplicator/transporter experiment worked or not may inject indeterminacy 
into any SAS supporting universe.



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