Hi George,

I hope my last post was not to rude.
You see, now's my turn to feel guilty.

Also I was not completely honest ...
I guess I'm afraid that (re)abording the technical part 
of my thesis could interfere with the writting of the paper
I told Russell about.
I'm very nervous with that writting. Yet I am going
through, and the more it advances the more easy it will be
for me handle the interference ...

Explaining the UDA on the list is easy compared with saying a 
little more that generality on G and G*. You know G is for 
Godel, and I have not yet solved the problem of how to begin 
an explanation on Godel by mail on the list. 
(I hesitate between three different and
conflicting ways to do that).

I have also found that that everything-silence was a little
weird. I think that it is unique in the story of the list.

At some moment I have interpreted that like if people
were beginning to be overbored by my approach. 
This happens to me too, sometimes!
I guess that's normal, nothing to worry about.

Just gives me some days before I decide how to proceed.

In any case I appreciate very much your interest, and
I will try to do my best.



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