I would like to clarify Marshall's post if I may.
Marchal wrote:
> But then you learn that some "channels" are pirated by some sadical
> people in need of chair ..., and some commercials tell you that by
> paying a little more, your code can be quantum protected on some
> channel making such piratery much more difficult if not impossible.
> My question is: supposing you can afford it, would you pay for that
> extra security? Are you willing to accept that a reasonable
> computationalist practionner *should* pay for it?
> What would you decide?
> Bruno

I think Bruno means "flesh" when he uses "chair" which is the french
term for flesh. There is a little game I love to play using English and
French. Going back and forth between the two languages how many steps
can you go? The rule is to alternate between "sound-alike" or
"write-alike" translations and meaning translations. Here is one chain:

Arrow(English) -> fleche (French)  -> flesh (English) -> chair (French)
-> chair (English) -> banc (French) -> bank (English) -> bord (French)
-> board (English) -> ... 

There are other interesting chains:

Blague(French) -> Trick(English) -> Trique(French) -> Whip (English)

Here is one with Spanish, French, English
Oil(English) -> Aceite (Spanish) -> Acier (f) -> Steel (E) (You make
tempered steel by dipping metal in oil!!! 


BTW, I agree with Bruno most of the time. When he gets technical I know
enough to know that he is on the right path but I have some difficulty
in keeping up with him.

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