On Fri, Jun 10, 2005 at 08:15:25AM -0400, Jesse Mazer wrote:
> OK, is that why you're saying the ASSA and RSSA are incompatible? But my 
> point is that I think this incompatibility is removed if you always take 
> the ASSA as applying to your current observer-moment, and the RSSA as 
> applying to your next observer-moment. 

This still won't solve the incompatibility. The only way for the ASSA
to apply to just the "current" OM is if there is no TIME. If there is
no TIME, then the RSSA makes no sense (most people in the ASSA camp
take this point of view). If there is TIME, then the ASSA must apply
to all OMs, including future ones. The predicted outcomes differ from
that of the RSSA just as we've discussed before.

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