Well, I did actually intend my example to be analogous to the Tegmark QS experiment. Are you saying that if there is only one world and magically an identical, separate world comes into being this is fundamentally different to what happens in quantum branch splitting? It seems to me that in both cases the relative measure of everything in the world stays the same, even though in absolute terms there is double of everything.

Stathis Papaioannou

Saibal Mitra writes:

Correction, I seem to have misunderstood Statis'  set up. If you really
create a new world and then create and kill the person there then the
probability of survival is 1. This is different from quantum mechanical
branch splitting.

To see this, consider first what would have happened had the person not been killed. Then his measure would have doubled. But because he is killed in one of the two copies of Earth, his measure stays the same. In a quantum suicide
experiment his measure would be reduced by a factor two.

> If on the basis of a coin toss the world splits, and in one branch I am
> instantaneously killed while in the other I continue living, there are
> several possible ways this might be interpreted from the 1st person
> viewpoint:
> (a) Pr(I live) = Pr(I die) = 0.5
> (b) Pr(I live) = 1, Pr(I die) = 0
> (c) Pr(I live) = 0, Pr(I die) = 1

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