
right on! (onwards, of course). 
I did not mention the arts. Express "art" by numbers
and you killed the art. Maybe I misunderstand the
idea, but a representation by (any kind and length of)
numbers is (in my mind at least) rational. Art is not.

Emotions (some of them) are not necessarily either. 
I feel in the 'numbers represented world' some sort of
uniformity-trend which does not cope with the infinite
'tastes' of the qualia we may imagine into the world. 
The unrestricted variety cannot be formulated into
just certain rules. How can 'numbers' comply with
'non-numbers' related connotations? Can 'numbers'
express the 'non-number' ideas?
Similar questions were raised already here - I do not
recall explanations to my satisfaction. Maybe MY

John M

--- Stephen Paul King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Tom,
>     Your post has inspired a thought for me that I
> have been struggling for years to generate! Where is
> Intensionality instantiated in Arithmetic Realism,
> or any form of Platonism? To re-phrase in
> folk-speak: How is "to whom-ness" present in a
> number?
>     I find in
> the idea that "refers to the set of all possible
> things which a word could describe.", thus
> intensionality for a number would be the set (???)
> of all possible other numbers that it could encode,
> which has a nice algorithmic flavor; but let's go to
> extensionality: "extension (or denotation) refers to
> the set of all actual things which the word actually
> describes".
>     How do numbers *distinguish* (if I am permitted
> to use that word) between *possibility* and
> *actuality*? Is the "bush" what Bruno is "beating
> around"?
> Onward!
> Stephen
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 5:20 PM
> Subject: Re: The Riemann Zeta Pythagorean TOE
> Quentin:
> I don't know from your wink at the end whether you
> are half-serious or 
> not.
> But just in case (and Bruno can do better than I can
> on this), I think 
> I can correctly appeal to Peano's distinction
> between mathematical and 
> linguistic paradox.  The meaning of the symbols is
> defined at a higher 
> level than the encoding itself.  Your statement
> turns on the word 
> "chosen", which is a verb. This goes back to my
> other post in this 
> thread that, in order to keep from going into an
> infinite regress of 
> meaninglessness, defining meaning ultimately
> requires a person.
> Tom

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