On Sat, May 13, 2006 at 05:28:31PM +0200, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> Le 12-mai-06, à 09:41, Kim Jones a écrit :
> >
> > Bruno,
> >
> > I almost understand this. Just expand a little
> >
> > Kim
> >
> > On 11/05/2006, at 9:00 PM, Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >
> >> Schmidhuber did leave the list by refusing explicitly the first-third
> >> person distinction (which explain why his great programmer does not
> >> need to dovetail).
> >
> I guess it is a delicate point, a key point though, which overlaps the 
> ASSA/RSSA distinction (that is: the Absolute Self Sampling Assumption 
> versus the Relative Self Sampling Assumption).
> If you identify a "conscious first person history" with a "third person 
> describable computation", it can be argued that an explanation for 
> physics can be given by Bayesian sort of anthropic reasoning based on 
> some  universal  probability distribution like Hall Finney's 
> Kolmogorovian UDist. Note tat this approach relies also on Church 
> Thesis. Here somehow the TOE will be a winning little program. I agree 
> that this would hunt away the third person white rabbits.

I disagree. The UDist comes from looking at the measure induced on a
set of descriptions (or computations if your prefer, although the two
are not equivalent), given a reference Turing machine U. This appears
to be a 3rd person description, but it need not be so. As I have
pointed out (but suspect it hasn't really sunk in yet), U can be
taken to be the observer erself. When done this way, there is a 1st
person "universal distribution", with a corresponding 1st person Occam
razor theorem. And this implies the absence of 1st person white rabbits. 


A/Prof Russell Standish                  Phone 8308 3119 (mobile)
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