Peter Jones writes:

> > > Timeless universe, universes where everything that can exist
> > > does exist, are not well founded empirically.
> >
> > So we should understand that you would criticize any notion, sometimes
> > brought by physicists, of "block-universe".
> Yes, I certainly would! It is unable to explain the subjective
> passage of time. Dismissing the subjective sensation of the passge of
> time
> as "merely subjective" or "illusional" is a surreptitious
> appeal to dualism and therefore un-physicalistic!

I don't know if block universe theories are true or not, but the subjective 
passage of time is not an argument against them. If mind is computation, do 
you believe that a conscious computation can tell if it is being run as a 
series of steps or in parallel, without any external information?

Stathis Papaioannou
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