Peter Jones writes:

> > > > Here is another thought experiment. You are watching an object moving 
> > > > against a
> > > > stationary background at a velocity of 10 m/s. Suddenly, the object 
> > > > seems to instantly
> > > > jump 10 metres in the direction of motion, and then continues as before 
> > > > at 10 m/s. You
> > > > are informed that one of the following three events has taken place:
> > > >
> > > > (a) your consciousness was suspended for 1 second, as in an absence 
> > > > seizure;
> > > >
> > > > (b) you were scanned, annihilated, and a perfect copy created in your 
> > > > place 1 second
> > > > later;
> > > >
> > > > (c) nothing unusual happened to you, but the object you were watching 
> > > > was instantly
> > > > teleported 10 metres in the direction of motion.
> > > >
> > > > Would you be able to guess which of the three events took place?
> > > >
> > > > Stathis Papaioannou
> > >
> > > Sure, it was (a).  (c) violates the laws of physics.  (b) might or might 
> > > not be theoretically possible, but it's practically impossible.
> >
> > OK, you would probably be right if you were kidnapped and subjected to this 
> > experiment
> > tomorrow. But it's a thought experiment, and my point is that from your 
> > conscious
> > experience alone you would be unable to distinguish between the three 
> > cases. Peter Jones'
> > posts seem to imply that you would notice a difference.
> You have to say that, given a particular theory of consciousness,
> would you notice a difference. If physical counterfactuals/causality
> is important, you could in  cases a) and b), since they
> all involve an abnormal causal transition from one OM to
> then next. Given computationalism, it is less straightforward.

The question is independent of your theory of consciousness. Say consciousness 
is based on process C. I trust you will assume that process C is entirely 
physical, but 
suppose it involves God animating your brain with his breath. Then in case (a) 
God stops 
breathing for a second, in case (b) God destroys you and makes a perfect copy 
which he 
reanimates a second later, and case (c) is unchanged. The important point is, 
when you 
are destroyed then rebuilt, the new version of you is perfectly identical to 
the original and 
functions exactly the same as the original would have. It seems to me 
*logically* impossible 
that you could distinguish between the three cases.

Stathis Papaioannou
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