
The reason for lack of responses is that your idea
goes directly to illuminating why AI systems - as 
promoulgated under current designs of software
running in hardware matrices - CANNOT emulate living
systems.  It an issue that AI advocates intuitively
and scrupulously AVOID.

"Pain" in living systems isn't just a self-sensor
of proper/improper code functioning, it is an embedded
registration of viable/disrupted matrix state.

And that is something that no current human contrived 
system monitors as a CONCURRENT property of software.

For example, we might say that central processors
regularly 'display pain' .. that we designers/users
recognize as excess heat .. that burn out mother boards.
The equipment 'runs a high fever', in other words.

But where living systems are multiple functioning systems
and have internal ways of guaging and reacting locally and 
biochemically vis a vis both to the variance and retaining
sufficient good-operations while bleeding off 'fever',
"hardware" systems have no capacity to morph or adapt
itself structurally and so keep on burning up or wait
for external aware-structures to command them to stop
operating for a while and let the equipment cool down.

I maintain that living systems are significantly designed where
hardware IS software, and so have a capacity for local
adaptive self-sensitivity, that human 'contrived' HW/SW systems
don't and mostly .. can't.

Jamie Rose 

Stathis Papaioannou wrote:
> No responses yet to this question. It seems to me a straightforward
> consequence of computationalism that we should be able to write a program
> which, when run, will experience pain, and I suspect that this would be a
> substantially simpler program than one demonstrating general intelligence. It
> would be very easy to program a computer or build a robot that would behave
> just like a living organism in pain, but I'm not sure that this is nearly 
> enough to
> ensure that it is in fact experiencing pain. Any ideas, or references to 
> sources
> that have considered the problem?
> Stathis Papaioannou

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