Bruno, I'm sorry that I'm very short of time just now, but just to let you
know I'm still trying to read and think about, if not comment, on these


On 28/01/2008, Bruno Marchal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Le 25-janv.-08, à 21:10, Mirek Dobsicek a écrit :
> >
> > Bruno Marchal wrote:
> >> Title: SUMMARY (was: OM = SIGMA_1)
> >>
> >> I send to David Nyman (the 06 Nov 2007) a little planning:
> >>
> >> 1) Cantor's diagonal
> >> 2) Does the universal digital machine exist?
> >> 3) Lobian machines,  who and what are they?
> >> 4) The 1-person and the 3- machine.
> >> 5) Lobian machines' theology
> >> 6) Lobian machines' physics
> >> 7) Lobian machines' ethics
> >>
> >>
> >> Let me summarize what has been done and what remains to be done.
> >
> > Hi Bruno,
> >
> > just want to let you know that I am still following your CT posts.
> Thanks for saying. Don't hesitate to ask anything in case some points
> are unclear.
> > I
> > hope to send my comments and/or 'OK' sign :-) on Monday.
> Take it easy. There is no deadline on the list.
> >
> > Nice weekend to everyone,
> Best,
> Bruno
> >

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