> Yes, but space may be simply the coordinate system in which matter and
> energy move. Even if the coordinate system is infinite, it doesn't matter
> because the particles' occupy a finite (but growing) part of it.

I don't think your conceptualization of an expanding universe is correct. 
No currently accepted model of the universe consists of a bunch of 
centrally-located matter with "empty space" surrounding it, and it's easy to 
see why: we can see the big bang (or at least, the moment when light 
decoupled from matter) from every direction in the sky.  This means that 
there is no center to the universe.  Matter is fairly uniformly distributed 
throughout the universe, and the universe is either finite but unbounded, or 
(as measurement of the CBR supports) infinite in both size /and/ content.

So there is no "center" to the universe from which things are expanding into 
empty space.  Rather, everything is moving away from everything else. 
Evidence suggests there's an infinite amount of stuff out there, either way, 
because careful measurements of the visible universe show zero curvature as 
far back as is possible to see.


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