Kelly wrote:
> On Apr 24, 2:41 am, Brent Meeker <> wrote:
>>> In the materialist view, my mental state is just the
>>> state of the particles of my brain at that instant.
>> I think we need some definition of "state".
> Hmmm.  Well, I think my view of the word is pretty much the dictionary
> definition.  Though there are two different meanings in play here.
> The physical state:
> "the condition of matter with respect to structure, form,
> constitution, phase, or the like"
> And the mental state:
> "a particular condition of mind or feeling"
> Though ultimately I'm saying that there is no actual physical world
> that exists outside of and independent from our perceptions.  You and
> I probably perceive a very similar world, but there other conscious
> observers who perceive very different worlds.  But all worlds are
> virtual worlds that exist only inside the minds of conscious platonic
> observers.  And I base this conclusion on the line of thought laid out
> in my previous posts.
>> If we discretize your brain, say slice it into Planck
>> units of time as Jason suggested, now we need to
>> have something to connect one state to another.
> Why do we need to have something extra to connect one state to
> another?  What does this add, exactly?
> I think that these instances of consciousness are like pieces from a
> picture puzzle.  But not a jigsaw picture puzzle...instead let's say
> that each puzzle piece is perfectly square, and they combine to make
> the full picture.
> How do you know where each piece fits into the overall picture?  By
> the contents of the image fragment that is on each puzzle piece.
> So each puzzle piece has, contained within it, the information that
> indicates it's position in the larger framework.  The same is true of
> instances of consciousness.
> Based on how well the edges of their "images" line up, you can get
> some idea about the relationship between two instances of
> consciousness.

These are "edges" in time, i.e. a future boundary and a past boundary.  
If these two boundaries are different then we are not longer talking 
about a state, we're talking about an interval, furthermore an interval 
that has duration and direction.

>> In idealism, the content of a state consciousness (a Planck slice, not
>> of a brain, but of a stream of consciousness) seems to me to be very
>> small
> Well, I'm not sure how much of the brain's information is needed to
> represent a particular state of consciousness.  But I don't think that
> it's a crucial question.  

It's a crucial question if the answer is "more than what is in an 
instant of consciousness."


> My answer is:  more than none of it, but
> less-than-or-equal-to all of it.  Somewhere in that range.  Ha!
>> You say it is
>> connected by the correlation of information content, but is that
>> unique?  Is there a best or most probable next state or what?
> So I guess I'm taking the position of "extreme platonism" here.  The
> result is, I suppose, indistinguishable from that of modal realism.
> All possible "next states" exist.  None of them are "best" or "more
> probable" than any other.  Every possible future lies ahead of you,
> and some version of you will experience each one of them.  There will
> be a version of you that never sees anything that strikes you as
> unusual and who says "the universe is very normal, and this all makes
> perfect sense, and how could it be any other way.  These people who
> advocate extreme platonism are crazy, because it doesn't match what I
> observe."
> But, there will also be a version of you who never has a normal
> experience again.  For eternity you will go from strange experience to
> strange experience.  And this version will say, "ah, ya, Kelly was
> right about that extreme platonism thing."
> And there will be all points between the two extremes.
> Though, I think that this view does make a testable prediction.  Which
> is:  there will be no end to your experiences.  There is no permanent
> first person death.
> Of course, many realities will be unpleasant enough that this isn't
> necessarily a good thing.  All good things lie before you.  But so do
> all bad things.  Blerg.
> >

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