On Apr 26, 2:01 pm, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am not sure that the measure problem can be so easily
> abandoned/ignored.  Assuming every Observer Moment had has an equal
> measure, then the random/white-noise filled OMs should vastly
> outnumber the ordered and sensible OMs.

The ordered and sensible OM's may be vastly outnumbered, but they are
there.  And thus if you assume that everything happens, they will
happen, and that explains your current experience of an ordered and
sensible reality.  I don't see the problem.

Again, I'm lead to this conclusion by the line of reasoning mentioned
in my previous posts.  I didn't start with this assumption and then
try to come up with supporting evidence.

It is a strange conclusion, but it seems to me that any theory that
explains conscious experience is going to have to be strange.  I think
this one is only slightly odder than Bruno's.  And it's not really
much odder than MWI, or the implications of an infinite universe
(e.g., infinite Kellys), or of infinite time (e.g., poincare
recurrence, boltzmann brains).  Or strange compared to thinking about
where a material universe could have come from, what proceeded it,
what caused it, what underlies it, etc.  That we exist at all is
pretty strange I think.

> Though I ever only have one
> OM to go by, the fact I was able to maintain a
> non-random/non-white-noise filled OMs long enough to compose this post
> should serve as some level of evidence that all OMs are not weighted
> equally.

If all possible OMs are real, then you will have successfully
completed all possible posts.  So, where's the problem?  You are one
of the Jason's who successfully completed a post.  Where does your
experience depart from what the theory predicts?

You can only experience one path through life.  One reality per
customer.  The reality that you are experiencing HAD to be experienced
by someone, this is mandatory in my theory.  Using the fact that you
ARE in fact experiencing it to try to disprove my theory I think is
not a valid option.

My theory does make one definite prediction, and so is (first person)
falsifiable.  It predicts that there is always a next moment.  Always
another conscious experience.

So, if you die and that's it, just oblivion...then I was wrong.  Oops.

So, we just have to wait...we will have our answer soon enough!

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