On 23 July, 05:38, Brian Tenneson <tenn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You have written about it, and at least two of its properties, and so it
> is not completely ineffable, yes?
> So I think it is "effable" even if it is exceedingly difficult to
> describe fully.  What I'm having trouble believing is that it is unknowable.

Yes, but the effing is in the knowing, and the knowing is in the
differentiation of the whole.  So the whole itself can't eff-as-a-
whole, and hence in that sense can't know itself in its entirety.  Put
more simply, the One can't get outside itself and hence has no point
of view as a whole.  There isn't a 'view from nowhere'.  Nonetheless,
as I remarked to Brent, the intuition of the One represents what is
both personal and present prior to any intuitions of differentiation -
whether spatial, temporal, or any other distinction whatsoever.


> Hi Brent,> You are asserting monism.  But the One, the ur-stuff, is 
> ineffable/unknowable.
> > So when we place ourselves in the world it is by making distinctions within 
> > the
> > unity.  To become distinct from the background (the One) is what it means 
> > to be
> > RITSIAR.  Right?
> > Brent
> How do you know that the One, the ur-stuff, is ineffable/unknowable?  If
> your being, for example, was the ur-stuff (I assume you mean akin to
> urelements in set theory), then it is "effable" and knowable.
> You have written about it, and at least two of its properties, and so it
> is not completely ineffable, yes?
> So I think it is "effable" even if it is exceedingly difficult to
> describe fully.  What I'm having trouble believing is that it is unknowable.
> Cheers
> Brian
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