On 01 Sep 2010, at 08:03, Sami Perttu wrote:

On Sep 1, 1:08 am, Quentin Anciaux <allco...@gmail.com> wrote:
Ok... But what is the ontological status of the Y ?

What you're saying is that there is no universal meaning of existing...
could I say then that existing relatively to Y has no meaning until Y
existence is given and defined ?


Hi! I'm trying to remove this universal ontological status altogether.
Once it's gone, everything exists almost trivially, as it shouldn't be
hard to find the Y. For instance, X exists in the singleton set { X }.

In which theory of set? I would say that the term "existence" has a meaning relative to the theory you are chosing.

I suspect that "exists" in the absolute sense grew out of the relative
sense "exists in the world", until it became the center for a whole
area of philosophical inquiry. I no longer see the absolute sense as

My motivation was to find a good justification for theses such as:
mathematical existence guarantees existence in general.

There is no mathematical foundation of the whole mathematics, so mathematical existence is a very vague notion. Arithmetical existence is clearer if you accept elementary arithmetic (like in prime numbers exist).


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