On Aug 15, 5:42 pm, Jason Resch <jasonre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> We're already simulating peices of brain tissue on the order of fruit fly
> brains (10,000 neurons).  Computers double in power/price every year, so 6
> years later we could simulate mouse brains, another 6 we can simulate cat
> brains, and in another 6 we can simulate human brains. (By 2030)

If you have a chance to listen and compare the following:

http://www.retrobits.net/atari/downloads/samg.mp3  Done in 1982 with a
program 6k in size. Six. thousand. bytes. on the Atari BASIC operating
system that was 8k ROM.

(for side by side comparison paste:

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this
continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the
proposition that all men are created equal.

into the text box and choose English (US) - Ryan for the voice.

So in 29 years of computing progress, on software that is orders of
magnitude more complex and resource-heavy, we can definitely hear a
strong improvement, however, at this rate, in another 30 years, we are
still not going to have anything that sounds convincingly like natural
speech. This is just mapping vocal chord vibrations to digital logic -
a miniscule achievement compared to mapping even the simplest
neurotransmitter interactions. Computers double in power/price, but
they also probably halve in efficiency/memory. It takes longer now to
boot up and shut down the computer, longer to convert a string of text
into voice.

Like CGI, despite massive increases in computing power, it still only
superficially resembles what it's simulating. IMO, there has been
little or no ground even in simulating the appearance of genuine
feeling, let alone in producing something which itself feels.


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