On 03.02.2012 00:14 Jason Resch said the following:
On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 3:04 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi<use...@rudnyi.ru>

On 21.01.2012 22:03 Evgenii Rudnyi said the following:

On 21.01.2012 21:01 meekerdb said the following:

On 1/21/2012 11:23 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:

On 21.01.2012 20:00 meekerdb said the following:

On 1/21/2012 4:25 AM, Evgenii Rudnyi wrote:


2) If physicists say that information is the entropy, they
must take it literally and then apply experimental
thermodynamics to measure information. This however
seems not to happen.

It does happen. The number of states, i.e. the
information, available from a black hole is calculated from
it's thermodynamic properties as calculated by Hawking. At
a more conventional level, counting the states available to
molecules in a gas can be used to determine the specific
heat of the gas and vice-verse. The reason the
thermodynamic measures and the information measures are
treated separately in engineering problems is that the
information that is important to engineering is
infinitesimal compared to the information stored in the
microscopic states. So the latter is considered only in
terms of a few macroscopic averages, like temperature and


Doesn't this mean that by information engineers means
something different as physicists?

I don't think so. A lot of the work on information theory was
done by communication engineers who were concerned with the
effect of thermal noise on bandwidth. Of course engineers
specialize more narrowly than physics, so within different
fields of engineering there are different terminologies and
different measurement methods for things that are unified in
basic physics, e.g. there are engineers who specialize in
magnetism and who seldom need to reflect that it is part of EM,
there are others who specialize in RF and don't worry about
"static" fields.

Do you mean that engineers use experimental thermodynamics to
determine information?


To be concrete. This is for example a paper from control

J.C. Willems and H.L. Trentelman H_inf control in a behavioral
context: The full information case IEEE Transactions on Automatic
Control Volume 44, pages 521-536, 1999

The term information is there but the entropy not. Could you please
explain why? Or alternatively could you please point out to papers
where engineers use the concept of the equivalence between the
entropy and information?


Sure, I could give a few examples as this somewhat intersects with my
line of work.

The NIST 800-90 recommendation (
http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-90A/SP800-90A.pdf )
for random number generators is a document for engineers implementing
secure pseudo-random number generators.  An example of where it is
important is when considering entropy sources for seeding a random
number generator.  If you use something completely random, like a
fair coin toss, each toss provides 1 bit of entropy.  The formula is
-log2(predictability).  With a coin flip, you have at best a .5
chance of correctly guessing it, and -log2(.5) = 1.  If you used a
die roll, then each die roll would provide -log2(1/6) = 2.58 bits of
entropy.  The ability to measure unpredictability is necessary to
ensure, for example, that a cryptographic key is at least as
difficult to predict the random inputs that went into generating it
as it would be to brute force the key.

In addition to security, entropy is also an important concept in the
field of data compression.  The amount of entropy in a given bit
string represents the theoretical minimum number of bits it takes to
represent the information.  If 100 bits contain 100 bits of entropy,
then there is no compression algorithm that can represent those 100
bits with fewer than 100 bits.  However, if a 100 bit string contains
only 50 bits of entropy, you could compress it to 50 bits.  For
example, let's say you had 100 coin flips from an unfair coin.  This
unfair coin comes up heads 90% of the time.  Each flip represents
-log2(.9) = 0.152 bits of entropy.  Thus, a sequence of 100 coin
flips with this biased coin could be represent with 16 bits.  There
is only 15.2 bits of information / entropy contained in that 100 bit
long sequence.



Sorry, for being unclear. In my statement I have meant the thermodynamic entropy. No doubt, in the information theory engineers, starting from Shannon, use the information entropy. Yet, I wanted to point out that I have not seen engineering works where engineers employ the equivalence between the thermodynamic entropy and the informational entropy.


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