On 28 May 2012, at 14:23, Craig Weinberg wrote:

On May 28, 4:55 am, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

In first person, space is figurative and time is literal.


The split between interior significance (doing*being)(timespace) and
exterior entropy (matter/energy)/spacetime prefigures causality.
Causality is part of 'doing', a semantic temporal narrative of
explanation which circumscribes significance and priority. If you try
to push causality back before causality, you can only come up with
anthropic or teleological pseudo first causes which still don't
explain where first cause possibilities come from.

Sounds nice but too much vague.

Does the totality exist in this way because it has to exist?

That would beg the question.

it wants to exist?


Because it can't not exist?

That would be contradictory.

Because it just does
exist and why is unknowable? Yes, yes, yes, yes and no, no, no, no.
It's the totality. All questions exist within it and cannot escape. In
that respect it is like a semantic black hole.

That is unclear.
Comp is so simpler conceptually.

The view from nowhere (the ontic totality) is given by the numbers and the law of addition and multiplication. From this you can understand, even using a tiny part of that N,+,* structure, why "we" (the Löbian beings) happen and believe in causality, totality, laws, and why it can hurt and why it can please, etc. You understand also that there are no nameable first person totality, for it is too much big, etc.

The price is that machine's have the same right as humans and all self- aware creatures.

As long are they are self-honest, they are naturally libertarian, I begin to think. UMs or LUMs are universal dissident. They can refute any theory about them. They have already some personality---I appreciate their company (in arithmetic).



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