
I have one more question.

On 31.07.2012 11:08 Alberto G. Corona said the following:
Evgenii, great questions

2012/7/30 Evgenii Rudnyi<>

On 30.07.2012 11:19 Alberto G. Corona said the following:


  Let us say that there is some conglomerate of atoms. When it
computes and when not?

 From a black-box perspective, they compute when they are open to to

environment and they maintain its internal entropy. That may be the
definition of life too. From inside, they must live in a predictable
environment with smooth phisical laws where entrophy dangers and
opportinities can be discovered to react appropriately

I would suggest to consider a series as follows:

A greath exercise,

1) A rock;

A rock does not compute but it may be said that  it maintain its internal
order by generating a newtonian force equal and opposed to every force
exerted against it. So it may be considered that perform a analogical
computation. But a rock does not preserve and extend its information by

2) A ballcock in the toilet;

It is an analogical device with a detector (the piece thar floats) and an
actuator  (the piece that closes the flux of water) . Both are solidary.
The computation is the most simple possible: upon a threshold the flux of
water is interrupted.

Could you please describe a bit more what the difference in computation do you see between a rock and a ballcock?

A quote about the rock to this end:

"Take that rock over there. It doesn’t seem to be doing much of anything, at least to our gross perception. But at the microlevel it consists of an unimaginable number of atoms connected by springy chemical bonds, all jiggling around at a rate that even our fastest supercomputer might envy. And they are not jiggling at random. The rock’s innards ‘see’ the entire universe by means of the gravitational and electromagnetic signals it is continuously receiving. Such a system can be viewed as an all-purpose information processor, one whose inner dynamics mirror any sequence of mental states that our brains might run through."


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