On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 1:33 PM, Bruno Marchal <marc...@ulb.ac.be> wrote:

> Chalmers followed my talk on the UD Argument at ASSC 4 and leaved the room
> at step 3, saying that there is no indeterminacy as he will feel to be at
> both places.

Do you have a link to the discussion, or was it not on a public discussion
forum? I wonder if Chalmers might have just meant that he would *define*
both copies as "himself" and thus say that "he" would be at both places,
while at the same time agreeing with you that each copy at a different
location would have its own distinct subjective experience (qualia) and
that neither would have any conscious awareness of what the other copy was

> This made perhaps some sense in his dualist interpretation of Everett, (if
> *that* makes sense), but makes no sense at all in comp. I guess that like
> John Clark he confused the 1-view of the 1-view, with some 3-view on the
> 1-view.
> I know only two people stopping at step 3. But if you know others, let me
> know. (I don't count the person who stop at step 3 because they have
> something else to do).
> Bruno
> On 24 Aug 2012, at 02:41, Richard Ruquist wrote:
> Jesse,
> This is what Chalmers says in the 95 paper you link about the second
> Penrose argument, the one in my paper:
> " 3.5 As far as I can determine, this argument is free of the obvious
> flaws that plague other Gödelian arguments, such as Lucas's argument and
> Penrose's earlier arguments. If it is flawed, the flaws lie deeper. It is
> true that the argument has a feeling of achieving its conclusion as if by
> magic. One is tempted to say: "why couldn't F itself engage in just the
> same reasoning?". But although there are various directions in which one
> might try to attack the argument, no knockdown refutation immediately
> presents itself. For this reason, the argument is quite challenging.
> Compared to previous versions, this argument is much more worthy of
> attention from supporters of AI. "
> Chalmers finally concludes that the flaw for Godel, which Penrose also
> assumed, is the assumption that we can know we are sound. So the other way
> around, if Godel is correct, so is the Penrose second argument, which
> Chalmers confirmed. However, Chalmers seems to be saying the Godel is
> incorrect, hardly a basis for my paper.
> Personally, when I am sound, I know I am sound. When I am unsound I
> usually know that I am unsound. However, psychosis runs in my family, and
> many times I have watched a relative lapse into psychosis without him
> realizing it.
> Besides I sent the paper to Chalmers and he had no problem with. But he
> did wish me luck getting it published. He knew something I had not yet
> learned.
> Richard
> On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 8:19 PM, Jesse Mazer <laserma...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> A quibble with the beginning of Richard's paper. On the first page it
>> says:
>> 'It is beyond the scope of this paper and admittedly beyond my
>> understanding to delve into Gödelian logic, which seems to be
>> self-referential proof by contradiction, except to mention that Penrose in
>> Shadows of the Mind(1994), as confirmed by David Chalmers(1995), arrived at
>> a seemingly valid 7 step proof that human “reasoning powers cannot be
>> captured by any formal system”.'
>> If you actually read Chalmers' paper at
>> http://web.archive.org/web/20090204164739/http://psyche.cs.monash.edu.au/v2/psyche-2-09-chalmers.htmlhe
>>  definitely does *not* "confirm" Penrose's argument! He says in the paper
>> that Penrose has two basic arguments for his conclusions about
>> consciousness, and at the end of the section titled "the first argument" he
>> concludes that the first one fails:
>> "2.16 It is section 3.3 that carries the burden of this strand of
>> Penrose's argument, but unfortunately it seems to be one of the least
>> convincing sections in the book. By his assumption that the relevant class
>> of computational systems are all straightforward axiom-and-rules system,
>> Penrose is not taking AI seriously, and certainly is not doing enough to
>> establish his conclusion that physics is uncomputable. I conclude that none
>> of Penrose's argument up to this point put a dent in the natural AI
>> position: that our reasoning powers may be captured by a sound formal
>> system F, where we cannot determine that F is sound."
>> Then when dealing with Penrose's "second argument", he says that Penrose
>> draws the wrong conclusions; where Penrose concludes that our reasoning
>> cannot be the product of any formal system, Chalmers concludes that the
>> actual issue is that we cannot be 100% sure our reasoning is "sound" (which
>> I understand to mean we can never be 100% sure that we have not made a
>> false conclusion about whether all the propositions we have proved true or
>> false actually have that truth-value in "true arithmetic"):
>> "3.12 We can see, then, that the assumption that we know we are sound
>> leads to a contradiction. One might try to pin the blame on one of the
>> other assumptions, but all these seem quite straightforward. Indeed, these
>> include the sort of implicit assumptions that Penrose appeals to in his
>> arguments all the time. Indeed, one could make the case that all of
>> premises (1)-(4) are implicitly appealed to in Penrose's main argument. For
>> the purposes of the argument against Penrose, it does not really matter
>> which we blame for the contradiction, but I think it is fairly clear that
>> it is the assumption that the system knows that it is sound that causes
>> most of the damage. It is this assumption, then, that should be withdrawn.
>> "3.13 Penrose has therefore pointed to a false culprit. When the
>> contradiction is reached, he pins the blame on the assumption that our
>> reasoning powers are captured by a formal system F. But the argument above
>> shows that this assumption is inessential in reaching the contradiction: A
>> similar contradiction, via a not dissimilar sort of argument, can be
>> reached even in the absence of that assumption. It follows that the
>> responsibility for the contradiction lies elsewhere than in the assumption
>> of computability. It is the assumption about knowledge of soundness that
>> should be withdrawn.
>> "3.14 Still, Penrose's argument has succeeded in clarifying some issues.
>> In a sense, it shows where the deepest flaw in Gödelian arguments lies. One
>> might have thought that the deepest flaw lay in the unjustified claim that
>> one can see the soundness of certain formal systems that underlie our own
>> reasoning. But in fact, if the above analysis is correct, the deepest flaw
>> lies in the assumption that we know that we are sound. All Gödelian
>> arguments appeal to this premise somewhere, but in fact the premise
>> generates a contradiction. Perhaps we are sound, but we cannot know
>> unassailably that we are sound."
>> So it seems Chalmers would have no problem with the "natural AI" position
>> he discussed earlier, that our reasoning could be adequately captured by a
>> computer simulation that did not come to its top-level conclusions about
>> mathematics via a strict axiom/proof method involving the mathematical
>> questions themselves, but rather by some underlying fallible structure like
>> a neural network. The bottom-level behavior of the simulated neurons
>> themselves would be deducible given the initial state of the system using
>> the axiom/proof method, but that doesn't mean the system as a whole might
>> not make errors in mathematical calculations; see Douglas Hofstadter's
>> discussion of this issue starting on p. 571 of "Godel Escher Bach", the
>> section titled "Irrational and Rational Can Coexist on Different Levels",
>> where he writes:
>> "Another way to gain perspective on this is to remember that a brain,
>> too, is a collection of faultlessly functioning element-neurons. Whenever a
>> neuron's threshold is surpassed by the sum of the incoming signals,
>> BANG!-it fires. It never happens that a neuron forgets its arithmetical
>> knowledge-carelessly adding its inputs and getting a wrong answer. Even
>> when a neuron dies, it continues to function correctly, in the sense that
>> its components continue to obey the laws of mathematics and physics. Yet as
>> we all know, neurons are perfectly capable of supporting high-level
>> behavior that is wrong, on its own level, in the most amazing ways. Figure
>> 109 is meant to illustrate such a class of levels: an incorrect belief held
>> in the software of a mind, supported by the hardware of a faultlessly
>> functioning brain."
>> Figure 109 depicts the outline of a person's head with "2+2=5" appearing
>> inside it, but the symbols in "2+2=5" are actually made up of large
>> collections of smaller mathematical equations, like "7+7=14", which are all
>> correct. A nice way of illustrating the idea, I think.
>> I came up with my own thought-experiment to show where Penrose's argument
>> goes wrong, based on the same conclusion that Chalmers reached: a community
>> of "realistic" AIs whose simulated brains work similarly to real human
>> brains would never be able to be 100% certain that they had not reached a
>> false conclusion about arithmetic, and the very act of stating confidently
>> in mathematical that they would never reach a wrong conclusion would ensure
>> that they were endorsing a false proposition about arithmetic. See my
>> discussion with LauLuna on the "Penrose and algorithms" thread here:
>> http://groups.google.com/group/everything-list/browse_thread/thread/c92723e0ef1a480c/429e70be57d2940b?#429e70be57d2940b
>> Jesse
>> On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 6:38 PM, Stephen P. King 
>> <stephe...@charter.net>wrote:
>>>  Dear Richard,
>>>     Your paper <http://vixra.org/pdf/1101.0044v1.pdf> is very
>>> interesting. It reminds me a lot of Stephen Wolfram's cellular automaton
>>> theory. I only have one big problem with it. The 10d manifold would be a
>>> single fixed structure that, while conceivably capable of running the
>>> computations and/or implementing the Peano arithmetic, has a problem with
>>> the role of time in it. You might have a solution to this problem that I
>>> see that I did not deduce as I read your paper. How do you define time for
>>> your model?
>>> --
>>> Onward!
>>> Stephen
>>> "Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed."
>>> ~ Francis Bacon
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