Craig Weinberg <> wrote:

>>> There is no mathematical justification for geometry though that I can
>>> think of.
>> >> There are ways that numbers can describe geometry and ways that
>> geometry can describe numbers. What more do you need?
> > A reason that there could possibly be a difference between the two.

First you're complaining that there is no relationship between numbers and
geometry and now you're complaining that there is a relationship. Make up
your mind what you're unhappy about!

> Astronomers can't see neurons turning acoustic patterns into music
> though. Nobody can see that, because it may not be happening at all.

Don't be ridiculous. There is certainly a connection between the patterns
of neurons in a composer's brain and the patterns of sound he produces, if
Beethoven were given Crack his neurons would fire differently and his
symphonies would also be different.

> The brain is not creating consciousness. The brain is not creating
> consciousness.

That is provably untrue. That is provably untrue. If I change your brain
your consciousness changes and if you change your consciousness your brain

> the computer knows nothing about the computations as a whole.

I've been hearing you say stuff like that over and over and over and over
again for one year now, and in all that time you have never once offered
the smallest particle of evidence in support of your view.

> It isn't even a computer,

I see, a computer isn't a computer and X is not Y and X is not not Y.   No,
I'm wrong, I don't see.

> Machines have parts which can be fastened, welded, or soldered together,
> but they are still disconnected

And now connected things are disconnected. I suppose black is white too.

> it's just [...]

It's just something that can perform most intellectual tasks and beat the
hell out of you at many of them, things that until just a few years ago
most were convinced only humans could accomplish.

> A filing cabinet can accumulate knowledge, and Google can sort the
> contents semantically,

Just like a brain.

> but there is nothing there that cares about it.

I've been hearing you say stuff like that over and over and over and over
again for one year now, and in all that time you have never once offered
the smallest particle of evidence in support of your view.

> Consciousness itself is an elaboration of sense, which is the capacity to
> make a difference and detect differences.

Like a thermostat.

> People are conscious and have free will

Cannot comment, don't know what ASCII sequence "free will" means.

> We could have a conversation over the phone where I imitate Bugs voice
> and describe the flavor of the carrots.

That sounds like fun, lets do it!

John K Clark

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